Posts tagged with: Justice

The Wars of Johnson’s Career

The most ridiculous war in British history is possibly the War of Jenkins’ Ear. But the most needlessly damaging may be the Wars of Johnson’s Career. In order to promote […]

Legalising Corruption?

This article was written before Paterson resigned. The points it raises go far beyond the egregious failings of one MP – the Prime Minister’s fingerprints are clearly visible. Please read […]

Time to Change Track

The UK is a rich country with a proud democratic tradition. We have produced some of the world’s greatest scientists and a number of world-leading companies. We are strong in […]

What is Happening to Justice in the UK?

This  article was written just before Matt Hancock resigned as Health Secretary. His departure is a welcome demonstration of the fragility behind the government’s facade of invulnerability, but in itself […]

Saving Democracy

Democracy is the worst form of Government except for all those other forms that have been tried from time to time – Winston Churchill The UK, of course, is a […]

Five Actions to Save the Post-War Social Contract

The post-war contract was based on people; the market fundamentalist contract is based on markets. Most importantly it represents a radically different view of justice; one which most people would […]

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