Posts tagged with: Cost of living

How to Stop the Government

The Conservative government works hard to give an impression of strength and determination: nothing we can say or do will stop it in its plans. And yet, over the last […]

The “Creative” Destruction of the UK

Last week, we wrote about Truss and Kwarteng’s Budget that “It is very clear that this Budget does not produce the change in direction the country needs; it is a […]


  The UK faces multiple interconnected crises. In the medium term, we are suffering from mass impoverishment, failing public services and a climate emergency. In the short term, very acutely, […]

Have We Finally Had Enough?

Many people in the UK are extremely concerned about the future. Most are poorer today than they were in 2010, and this year is forecast to see the sharpest drop […]

Will Truss Give It All to the Top 0.01%?

Truss has launched her so-called ‘plan for growth.’ History shows that the likely impact of that plan is to redistribute wealth upwards at an increasing rate, impoverishing most of the […]

What Was the Alternative?

Since 2010, the UK economy has been shaped by three critical government decisions: Austerity, Brexit and COVID. We have previously argued that the government mishandled all three (see Austerity, Brexit, […]

The Future of Herefordshire

This is an approximate transcript of the speech given by Mark E Thomas at Hellens Garden Festival, 11 June, 2022.     Introduction Good afternoon. What a wonderful environment, and […]

How Many Shades of Gray?

Photo leaked to ITV News Within two days of the publication of this article, Johnson responded to the risk it highlighted – of him being forced to resign for breaching […]

How Not to Handle Inflation

The UK now has high inflation both by international and historical standards.  And it is causing a serious cost-of-living crisis which our government needs to address. This article looks at […]

Traditional Conservatives vs Johnson’s Party

  It is obvious why those who have never seen themselves as Conservative should not support this government. This article explains why those who do see themselves as traditional Conservatives […]

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