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Is Market Fundamentalism Immune to COVD-19?

In 2016, I shared an early draft of the book 99% with a friend. When he read Chapter 4, which deals with the philosophy of market fundamentalism, he commented, “nobody […]

What Is the Government’s Coronavirus Strategy?

As we wrote on March 15, although there are many variants, there are only four basic strategies for handling the coronavirus. The four generic strategies are: the laissez-faire strategy – […]

Inflation Hysteria

This is a companion article to Debt Hysteria. You may also find that one useful. Governments around the world have increased their spending in the wake of the coronavirus. Their […]

Debt Hysteria

Tackling the coronavirus caused many countries, including the UK, to institute a lockdown. That lockdown has had a profound effect on the economy and as a result the UK government […]

Coronavirus: It’s not the Economy vs Public Health

This is a guest article by two of the UK’s leading public health researchers, Nisreen A Alwan, Associate Professor in Public Health and Nida Ziauddeen, Senior Research Assistant in Public Health, […]

Fixing the Deal

Most millennials believe that the baby-boomer generation had it easy, and that unless something changes, their own life chances will be much less rosy than their parents’. Not everyone is […]

Who are the high-value people?

The distribution of income in society is controlled by a natural law, [which] if it worked without friction, would give to every agent of production the amount of wealth [added […]

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