On Tuesday 8 October, we ran an event in Parliament to help MPs to get to grips, before the Budget, with what it will take to deliver national renewal and how to rebut the inevitable arguments that it would somehow be ‘irresponsible’ to spend the money that such renewal would require.
The event was chaired by Barry Gardiner, MP and the expert panel consisted of Polly Toynbee, Will Hutton and Mark E Thomas. Martin Wolf had also hoped to sit on the panel, but was unavoidably detained.
The MPs attending included Danny Beales (represented by his staff), Dawn Butler, Ian Byrne, Irene Campbell, Dan Carden, Rosie Duffield, Barry Gardiner (Chairing the event), Patrick Hurley, Steven Jack, John McDonnell, Andrew Ranger, Elaine Stewart, Dr Jeevun Sandher, Valerie Vaz and Yuan Yang. There were also others in the audience including former MPs, ex-bond traders, NHS experts, and tax campaigners, who made stimulating contributions.
The event began with a short introduction to the issues from Mark E Thomas, and was followed by a lengthy question and answer session with the panel. Thanks to help from our friends at #TakeBackBritain, MPs left with the one-page summary sheet below.
The QR code takes you to a full briefing paper covering all these issues in detail, which you can also see here.
You can watch Mark’s introduction on the 99% YouTube Channel (although you may need to look separately at the slides), and see the following panel discussion here.
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